MBLI S.a.s. of Marchese Daniele Rosario

On day 12.12.2014 is the new MBLI as we would say today, version 2.0; the will administrator Daniel R. Marchese of the "old" S.r.l., comes to life S.a.s., which compared to the previous version, abandon the old way of making traditional and / or technological systems, realizing only systems with a high technological level.
The new MBLI now has a new young figure, leaving room to partner Nico Marchese, but not interrupting working relationships with the other two founding members of Srl, Gaspare Borsellino and Giovanni Lanza, who continue to work in another capacity with MBLI S.a.s.

The new management has decided to immediately invest in the software division, economic and human resources, short new solutions designed for SMEs and freelancers will be available.
The software includes the development of stand-alone applications, the creation of a new server and connectivity infrastructure, the integration of Open-Source software and finding new partners for management applications.